Early studies on computerized analysis of dental images utilized intraoral radiographs. The subjects of such analysis include temporal subtraction, caries detection, periapical disease detection and classification, and treatment follow-up evaluation. With the widespread use of digital dental panoramic radiographs (DPRs), a number of studies on computerized analysis of DPRs have been reported. This chapter introduces the computerized analysis of intraoral radiographs. However, the main topics are the methodologies of quantitative analysis and computerized disease diagnosis with DPRs. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in which medical image interpreters, in this case oral radiologists and dentists, make diagnosis using the results of computerized analysis can improve the accurate and efficient diagnosis of oral diseases. The chapter also talks about the three types of intraoral radiographic techniques commonly used in dental practice. The three types of images are the periapical image, bitewing image, and occlusal image.