This chapter covers ship characterization and analyses of a large dataset based on Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar sea scenes. For marine surveillance, SAR designed by the European Space Agency (ESA), provides imagery at medium to high resolution. To efficiently explore the potential of data, the support of the high quality dataset is essential. However, exactly how such data can be indexed, organized into a dataset, and utilized for the specific application is a crucial problem yet to be solved. In this chapter, we presented a novel and open dataset, OpenSARShip, which is dedicated to sentinel-1 ship interpretation. Deep analyses including geometric, scattering, and environmental analyses based on OpenSARShip are illustrated. To further demonstrate the applicable potential of this dataset, some marine and maritime applications based on the OpenSARShip are provided. The chapter enables the reader to utilize the constructed OpenSARShip and explore more challenging applications based on the OpenSARShip. In the era of big data, the OpenSARShip is promising to contribute to the development of more advanced SAR marine applications.