Since the 1990s we are seeing a global change in society. From the acceleration of this change and the erosion that its perception provokes, it is noticeable to search for new ethical and moral values. The artistic communities reflect and create strategies about their idiosyncrasies and interactions, developing a responsible experience where the human being responds to his own actions through processes for the resignification of contents.

The transformation of viewers into producers makes them aware of their strength as agents of change, coupled with the appropriation of the strategies of the media, the global market, and the entertainment industry. Understanding the creative experience can significantly change the design process and design behaviour.

The Participatory Design creates new processes to stimulate creativity through participatory practice in the creation of objects and the humanization builds knowledge among individuals responding to their needs. The intention (design) precedes the creation of the object not by lack but by the desire to respond to needs through the process.

The space between the subject and the object is where the experiences are lived and provide emotional and cognitive relevance making its retroactive effect felt for a new ethical meaning of knowledge through a conceptual model in a research Design context: the Non-Object.