Every Human Being establishes a personal relationship with Colour. Often we give ourselves an instinctive colour treatment, just by choosing a particular and specific colour, or putting around us certain colours in our homes or gardens. Most of our reactions are, however, unaware and it is only when we begin to use colour in an informed way that we can take advantage of this extraordinary life force in order to improve the quality of life and our well-being, especially if we consider the preparation of architects and designers to develop projects.

This paper presents a research project which aims to study physical, physiological and psychological colour effects, and perception, in its interaction with human beings through objects and environment, underlining the importance of colour ergonomics. The main objectives focus on the acquisition of scientific knowledge in the area serving as a projective tool for architects and designers, as well as to contribute, through the dissemination of its results, as a reference to the use of colour to users in general.