Jorge Barbosa described Cape Verdean culture as being Luso-African. According to his approach, and according to history, the archipelago of Cape Verde has a distinctly local culture, in whose roots African and European elements can be found, with equal importance. In Cape Verde, there was thus the fusion of African and European (mainly Portuguese) cultural traditions. Owing to its history, geographical location and some sociological constraints, the archipelago is one the most wonderful experiences of the “fusion of opposite souls”, which resulted in a unique and harmonious people.

In order for this to take place, there was the will of the Portuguese who, while seeking to solve their domestic problems, disembarked at new horizons, adapting to different situations and playing a part in the birth of new peoples, as can be seen in the author’s unpublished column “Comemorações de Camões” (Celebrations of Camões).

Jorge Barbosa addressed the initial reality of the islands, since the arrival of the settlers to the birth of the Creole “soul”. In his view, everything sprang from the bold Portuguese spirit which, even though it faced huge storms, increased its kingdom in an epic way, as can be read in the poem “Expansão” (Expansion), in which the author praised Portugal for its expansionist vision.