The delivery of aerosolized drugs for asthma has the advantages of being sitespecific, thus enhancing the therapeutic ratio. A number of drugs are only active and available by the aerosol route, including the long-acting 132 agonists, formoterol, and salmeterol as well as the two prophylactic agents, cromolyn and nedocromil. In addition, inhalation of the short-acting 132 agonists provides more rapid bronchodilation than either parenteral or oral administration as well as a greater degree of protection against EIA and other challenges (I ,2). Inhaled glucocorticoids may produce a greater reduction in bronchial hyperresponsiveness than systemic doses that produce equivalent improvement in pulmonary function (3). Clearly, the inhaled glucocorticoids are the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs for the long-term control of asthma (4). Therefore an understanding of aerosol drug delivery is essential to optimal asthma therapy.