WHAT IS IT? In the summer of 2004 I was invited to lecture at Dartmouth. Dr. Rosen, my host,asked me if I could address my interpretation of Medical Informatics during my lecture. Thispresentation made me review and reflect on some old and new concepts that have appeared IV-1

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in the literature, in some cases. I have observed, for example, that the definition varies greatly depending on the profession of the person who answers this question. A few years earlier, while at the CDC, I had the opportunity to participate in a lecture by Ted Shortliffe, in which he explained a model of Medical Informatics that appears in his book (Handbook of Medical Informatics). I also like portions of the content that appears at the Vanderbilt University website in its program of medical informatics (MI) and finally the work of Musen/Von Bemmel reflected on their Handbook of Medical Informatics.