Sporadic information is available on the application of chemometric techniques in evaluating meat product quality. The chemometric data obtained appeared to be useful in assessing meat authentication. Based on chemometrically processed data, it was possible to characterize and classify all the samples analyzed with respect to their species features and provenience. Chemometric studies of goat’s cheeses based on their mineral composition and concentration of fat, protein, pH, dry matter, and percentage of fat have been reported. The chemometric processing of the spectroscopic results by various techniques enabled an accurate categorization of the honey samples according to origin. Based on the mineral composition of coffee, it was possible to differentiate chemometrically particular types of coffee by distinguishing Arabica from Robusta, ground from soluble coffees, and their infusions. Chemometrical techniques have been used to analyze the data for fruiting bodies of mushroom Xerocomus badius and the underlying soil substratum collected from northeastern Poland.