This chapter provides an integrated overview of application of nanobiotechnology-based molecular diagnostics, drug discovery, and drug delivery in the development of nanomedicine with the relationships. The postgenomic era is revolutionizing the drug-discovery process. Nanodevices such as nanobiosensors and nanobiochips are being used to improve drug discovery and development. There are particular advantages of drug delivery for the treatment of various diseases by nanoscale devices. A drug-delivery system for intravenous administration of ibuprofen has been developed which exhibits sustained-release properties by either oral or intravenous route and may be useful for the treatment of postoperative pain. Nanobiotechnology can be applied to delivery of gene therapy using geneti-cally modified stem cells and further applied in tracking stem cells introduced into the human body. Applied nanobiotechnology aimed at the regeneration and neuroprotection of the central nervous system will significantly benefit from basic nanotechnology research conducted in parallel with advances in cell biology, neurophysiology, and neuropathology.