Surgical instruments used in pediatric or ophthalmic surgery are sized appropriately for rodent surgery. An appropriate set for stroke surgery should consist of common surgical instruments and microsurgical instruments. Tough Cut fine iris scissors from Fine Surgery Tools are also good instruments for stroke surgery. One pair of hemostatic forceps and one pair of mosquito forceps should be included in a surgery package. Sponge-holding forceps with curved smooth jaws help to apply disinfection gauzes during pre-operative preparation or to mop up blood and other fluids during surgery. Autoclavable trays or instrument cases can be found at Fine Surgery Tools or other surgical supply companies. Proper lighting is of enormous help for surgery. A rectal thermometer can check an animal’s body temperature before, during, or after surgery. A stereotaxic apparatus is ideal for researchers in need of a versatile, reliable instrument for sensitive, highly skilled procedures with small animals.