Polyphenols are relevant constituents regarding the organoleptic properties of pomegranate arils and juice as they are responsible for the distinctive red pigmentation and provide a mild astringency that is characteristic of pomegranate flavor. The juice obtained from these arils contains anthocyanins (delphinidin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin 3-glucosides and 3,5-diglucosides), ellagic acid glycosides (ellagic acid glucoside, arabinoside, and rhamnoside), free ellagic acid (Figure 3.1), ellagitannins (several punicalagin isomers, punicalin, and some punicalagin polymeric forms) (Figure 3.2), and gallotannins. The husk and fruit membranes contain mainly ellagitannins that are water soluble (punicalagins),

and small amounts of procyanidins (prodelphinidins and gallocatechin).