RTDλ(k, n). Its λ-parallel classes are B1, . . . ,Bn. This process can be reversed to form a TDλ(k + 1, n) from an RTDλ(k, n).

3.14 Example A resolvable TD(4, 4) derived from the TD(5, 4) in Example 3.11. On the element set {1, 2, 3, 4}× {2, 3, 4, 5}, the blocks are:

{ 12,13,14,15 } { 22,23,24,25 } { 32,33,34,35 } { 42,43,44,45 } { 12,43,34,25 } { 22,33,44,15 } { 32,23,14,45 } { 42,13,24,35 } { 12,23,44,35 } { 22,13,34,45 } { 32,43,24,15 } { 42,33,14,25 } { 12,33,24,45 } { 22,43,14,35 } { 32,13,44,25 } { 42,23,34,15 }

Each row is a parallel class.