State-Space Discretizations ..........................................................181 6.4 The Effect of Allowable Choices for the Sample Size

and Sampling Interval ..............................................................................183 6.5 Summary and Conclusions ......................................................................184 References.............................................................................................................186

ABSTRACT Past research on Bayesian process control has concentrated on the design of one-sided control charts. In practice, though, the most commonly used control chart is the two-sided chart for detecting both upward and downward shifts of the mean of a quality characteristic. Until a few years ago the computational difficulties associated with the optimal design of twosided Bayesian charts were practically insurmountable. However, given the amazing continuous progress in computing technology and power, it is natural to pose again today the following very practical questions: Is it yet feasible to design and operate an effective two-sided control chart using the principles of Bayesian process control? And if so, how exactly? The objective of this chapter is to provide convincing answers to the above questions.