Understanding the association between exposure to antiepileptic medications during

pregnancy and the diverse manifestations of adverse outcome is complicated by the need to

first understand basic principles of teratogenic, and particularly neuro-teratogenic, action

and basic definitions of adverse outcomes. Conveyance of information specific to the

teratogenicity of anticonvulsants is further complicated by the fact that the emergence in the

late 1960s of studies raising concern about antiepileptic drug use during pregnancy

overlapped with the establishment of the basic scientific principles. As a result, the designs

of early studies pre-dated recognition of certain principles of teratogenic action as well

as recognition of the need to employ certain design characteristics when neurodevelop-

mental, especially cognitive, endpoints were examined. In light of these complexities

and with the goal of having this chapter serve the needs not only of neurobehavioral

teratologists, but of students, health professionals, regulatory scientists, and structurally-

focused teratologists, our approach is to cover certain fundamentals alongside the data

specific to the actions of anticonvulsant medications as neurobehavioral teratogens.

Thus, we will first examine fundamentals of teratogenic action and the nature of adverse

outcomes, and then focus on the risks associated with anticonvulsant exposure during

pregnancy. By necessity, opening discussions are brief and make considerable reference to

review sources.