Now that the various features of the different brands of equipment have been presented, it is time to put them all together and take a brief look at the total system. The reader should bear in mind the limitations of such an undertaking, as features change and new models are introduced. If this book is used properly, enough knowledge should be gained to allow one to evaluate these changes sufficiently. It would be unfair to the manufacturers and the end user to take the brief comments made in this chapter as sufficient grounds for making a decision. These comments are provided to help the reader to see better the “big picture” when undertaking a thorough evaluation. They are not based on exhaustive empirical studies, or headto-head tests on every feature. The manufacturers specification’s and claims have been taken at face value, and have not been independently verified. The information presented is based on informed opinion, gathered through much experience with a broad spectrum of operators and applications, but still subject to the many biases and flaws of fallen human nature. Caveat Emptor.