Estimation of Cycling meet on Rc1iel)ilit.y 539

In terms of survival fimctioris, tlhe GPH model is written in the f h m :

where the survival function C: is such that it's irivcrse fuiictiori H has the for111

and tllc baseline fnnction So doesn't, depend on t,lie stress. Generaliz ii t ' 1011 of the GPl-I rrlodel, illcludirig the effect of cycling, has the form

Semiparametric cstirri:tt,iori for tllc AAD niodel was considered by Basu and Ebrahirni (1982); Sethurarnan s1lt1 Si11gp11r~vallii (1982), Shkc t l anti Singpurwitlla (1983), Scl-irnoyer (1986. 1991), Robills m d Tsiatis (1992): Lin and Ying (1995); arid Bagtion;~vii.ius ant1 Nilculiri (1999a,h :mtl 2000).