The spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, is a fish species of the croaker and drum family (i.e., Sciaenidae) that has special interest among a wide audience of individuals. Broadly distributed in coastal areas along the eastern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the U.S., it is known officially as the spotted seatrout (Robins et al., 1990) but colloquially and locally as speck, seatrout, gray trout, trout, spotted weakfish, spotted seateague, winter trout, and speckled trout (Johnson and Seaman, 1986). In the southern portion of its range along the Gulf Coast of Mexico it is known as trucha del mar, corvina, and corvina pinta. In both countries it is the target of recreational and commercial fishers as well as of the seafood-eating public because of its size and taste.