This chapter introduces the Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-scattering process in forests. It focuses on forest inventory approaches aimed at tree or stand parameter retrieval and provides examples of change detection possibilities using multitemporal laser surveys. The chapter considers the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing/EuroSDR tree extraction comparison describing mainly differences of individual-tree-based methods, which is a global comparison for tree parameter retrieval. In addition to small-footprint Airborne Laser System, several large footprint systems such as Scanning LiDAR Imager of Canopies by Echo Recovery, Raster Scanning Airborne Laser Altimeter, and Shuttle Laser Altimeter I and II have been developed. LiDAR eliminated easily most of the commission errors that often occur in open stands, with optical imagery. Traditionally, individual tree attributes such as height, diameters at different heights along the stem, and crown diameter are measured in the field.