The use of IFN-β la , (Avonex®; Biogen Inc Cambridge MA, USA) IFN-β lb, (Betaseron®; Schering Berlin, Germany) and glatiramer acetate

(Copaxone®; TEVA Kfar-Saba, Israel) in selected RRMS patients has been approved in the USA by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medici­ nal Products (EMEA) licensed Avonex®, Betaseron® and another IFN-β la agent (Rebif ®; Serono Geneva, Switzerland) for RRMS and Betaseron® for secondary progressive MS (SPMS). Policies by insurance companies or public health systems for reimbursing patients for these drugs generally follow the inclusion and exclusion criteria utilized in clinical trials that demonstrated their efficacy. For instance, in many countries, IFN-β la can be prescribed to RRMS patients with an EDSS score below 4.0, while Betaseron® (IFN-β lb) can be prescribed to RRMS patients with an EDSS score between 1.0 and 5.5. The purpose of this chapter is not to comment on comparison of therapeutic effects of different types of IFN-β. However, it should be pointed out that a neurologist may wish to take into account the dosage, route of administration, side effect profile, and published results in making a treatment decision for a particular agent in a given patient.