In this research work, the churches in north east part of Anatolia are investigated and visual inspection is realized regarding their structural conditions. A group of churches, from north-eastern region of Anatolia are investigated in detail. The north east part of Anatolia has an important number of historical works of architecture thanks to the traces of the Byzantine, Roman, and Pontus Empires. Reflecting the architectural features of the century, an important number of churches were built in different centuries. Some of these churches still serve for different purposes, while some other are severely destroyed. Today, none of these churches are used for worshipping. On the other hand, these churches are among the most important means to reveal the cultural heritage. It is very important to protect these buildings to provide the link between the past and the upcoming generations. The results of the study show the risk level of the historical churches in the north-eastern region of Turkey. This would help to take the necessary precautions to

help the structure by means of the most appropriate method for conservation/restoration/strengthening.