Recent research and development in the area of mineral construction materials has shown that it is possible to use high performance concrete effectively to produce elements and structures which are able to resist chemical attack in sewage systems and aggressive ground water or soils. Pipes which are made from acid-resistant, high performance concrete are monolithic and satisfy all the stipulated chemical and physical requirements [1]. The “densest packing” of the aggregate mix and grading it down to the finest range minimizes the amount of cement to 50% of that required by a conventional high-performance concrete [2]. Optimizing the binder made from reactive powders and special cements also produce an acid-resistant concrete which is suitable for sewage systems, cooling towers, and foundation structures in aggressive groundwater. This concrete is resistant to dissolving and expansion attack and is highly impermeable to the diffusion of chlorides, gases, and water. The dense packing and low cement content reduces the concrete shrinkage to approximately 40% less than that of a conventional concrete. Only biogenic acid corrosion which cannot be prevented by structural design measures requires additional protection for pH values below 3.5 (continuous exposure) and 2.0 (periodic exposure). For these conditions glass provides the best Protection. The bonding of glass and concrete to make a composite material is one innovation aim for the near future.