The history of Tai Chi dates back to hundreds of years ago. Recently, in 2005, new Wushu competition rules were implemented by International Wushu Federation (IWuF). The incorporation of new Difficulty Movements (DM) into traditional Tai Chi (TC) moves had brought about new challenges to athletes doing competitive TC internationally. DM are technical movements that involved jumps, rotations and balance; they are harder to execute compared to traditional TC movement. In the past, TC was about the flow of the movements and stability of the stances. Many studies have shown that TC can help improve the stability of a person (Mao et al., 2006). Today the new DM requires the athletes to jump and land on single leg. Implication of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries especially during landing (Boden et al., 2000), has been a concern to coaches and female athletes had higher chances of ACL injuries (Nagano et al., 2006). Because the new rule was implemented for only a short period, there is still no journal published regarding the DM.