We present kinetic data structures for detecting col­ lisions between a set of polygons that are moving continuously in the plane. Unlike classical collisiondetection methods that rely on bounding volume hi­ erarchies, our method is based on deformable tilings of the free space surrounding the polygons. The ba­ sic shape of our tiles is that of a pseudo-triangle, a shape sufficiently flexible to allow extensive deforma­ tion, yet structured enough to make detection of self­ collisions easy. We show different schemes for main­ taining pseudo-triangulations using the framework of kinetic data structures, and analyze their performance. Specifically, we first describe an algorithm for main­ taining a pseudo-triangulation of a point set, and show that this pseudo-triangulation changes only quadratically many times if points move along algebraic arcs of constant degree. We then describe an algorithm for maintaining a pseudo-triangulation of a set of convex polygons. Finally, we extend our algorithm to the gen­ eral case of maintaining a pseudo-triangulation of a set of moving simple polygons. These methods can be ex­ tended to situations where the polygons deform as well as move.