Finally, multiple univariate ANOVA with significance levels of differences set at p<0.05 were done to check the influence of expert’s perception of their own risk management performance on attributed importance to the practices. A one-way ANOVA was conducted for each risk practice. The factor included two levels: High Performance experts Group (HPG) and Low Performance experts Group (LPG). The expert distribution criterion was as follows: experts with declared performances on risk management under median value were grouped as LPG and remaining experts as HPG. The LSD (95%) intervals were also calculated and a graphical representation was generated to facilitate the comparison of obtained data from statistical analysis. The graph displays and compares the average importance of LPG and HPG groups in each risk practice, showing the LSD (95%) intervals for the evaluations of each group in each practice. An overlapping of those intervals indicates that there are no significant statistical differences between groups in the importance attributed to the practice.