The induction period ends when the samples (possessing stationary micellar structure) absorb a definite amount of oxygen Ll[02]i' and the tranport of OOH group into s-zones begins

POOHv~ POORs under the control of the total penetrability kvs . Hydroperoxide becomes the main source of free radicals resulting the interzone transport:

and degenerated heterogeneous-heterophase branching of oxidative chains occurs. Such branching is significantly modified by the occurrence of the heterogeneous reaction of OOH groups, producing no free radicals:

kU POORs + POORv ---+ molecular products. The superposition of the reactions reflect the situation that the s-zone, being the

structural border of spongous micelle, stops the spreading of OOR groups in the oxidizing spongy matrix. In this case, probability coefficients kvs and k~ of the microheterogeneous matrix possess no sense of elementary rate constants, because they serve in the interzone transition, which probability depends on the structural-dynamic state of the polymer.