When starting with micro and continuing to macro modelling of masonry one can find homogenization approach the most rewarding one. On one hand it does not need large amount of input data which are refer to material characteristics of the constituents and their junction, and it does not produce large number of elements (CPU time), as it is needed for micro-modeling. On the other hand, by using homogenization approach we can still model large masonry structures avoiding costly experiments for biaxial testing for each new material or application of known material which is needed for the evaluation of the macro-models for masonry. By using homogenization approach of modeling masonry we can obtain an anisotropic macro-constitutive law from the microconstitutive laws and geometry of the constituents, in such a way that the macroconstitutive law is not actually implemented. This would mean that a change in the geometry of the constituents would not imply different material models or costly experiments. That would allow us to exploit the existing data-bank of the material parameters of the constituents and the masonry without further experimental costs.