Addition Wt.% Treatment Machine No. of cycles (min-I) (MPa) (MPa) Ref. -

Ca 0.026 Solid solution + aging - 107 7.1 244 + precipitation

0.038 Solid solution + aging - 5 X 107 4.7-5.7 244 + precipitation

0.04 Extruded - 107 2500 10.7 - 2 Extruded - 107 700 10.3 - 2

Haigh Push Pull 107 2000 11.0-11.4 - 2 Solid solution + aging - 5 X 107 5.6-10.3 244

+ precipitation 0.03 - Haigh Push Pull 107 2000 10.0 - 2

0.028-0.039 Extruded Rotating 5 X 107 700 4.6-5.8 18.7-23.8 2 0.06 Solid solution + aging - 5 X 107 7.7 244

+ precipitation 0.07 Extruded and age DVL Plane Bending 107 • 740 9.8 - 2

hardened 0.04 Extruded and stored 2 Rotating 5 X 107 800 5.9 23.9 2

weeks Extruded and stored 6 Rotating 5 X 107 800 7.2 28.6 2

months 0.06 Extruded and stored 6 Rotating 5 X 107 800 7.9 30.1 2

