Fluorescence of plant cells, which are clearly seen under a luminescence microscope, includes all colours of the visible spectrum. It is not only the red emission of chlorophyll located in chloroplasts and the blue or bluegreen luminescence of the cell wall (Kasten, 1981). A bright luminescent picture is also observed for specialized secretory cells of leaves, stems, flowers and roots (Eilert et al., 1986; Ascensao and Pais, 1987; Curtis and Lersten, 1990; Zobel and March, 1993; Roshchina et a l, 1995; 1997a, b; 1998a) and unicellular secreting cells as microspores served for breeding (Berger, 1934; Asbeck, 1955). Fluorescence of nectar was first seen by FreyWyssling and Agthe (1950).