A QuickBASIC Graphics Software for Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modelling Y. Chen, R.A. Falconer Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bradford, BD7 1DP, UK Abstract Graphics presentations of computational results for hydrodynamic and water quality models are becoming increasingly important for both practical engineering and academic research model applications. A QuickBASIC graphics package has been developed to display on an ordinary microcomputer with a VGA screen the current distribution and solute concentration contours predicted using a two-dimensional computational model DIVAST (Depth Integrated Velocities And Solute Transport). Various user friendly features have been included, sucla as the easy setting up of a two dimensional domain, display of the numerical values of the velocity vector and solute concentration level for any modelling grid cell located by the cursor and the easy rotation of the graphics orientation through 90 degrees. Some advanced programming techniques have been applied, including the function key and cursor key interactive control, the use of dynamic arrays, the menudriven running and the built-in enor handling. Details are given about the velocity vector drawing algorithm and the concentration contouring methods, including 4-point bi-linear and 9-point bi-quadratic interpolation. The application of this graphics package to a two-dimensional practical engineering water quality study is also given as an example of its use.