Principles of Digital Simulation. Simulation is a process o f emulat ing and observing the behavior o f an electronic circuit i n response to the changes o f input signals. Figure 11 shows the components o f this process. The simu­ lated circuit is placed i n the simulation test bed where the input s t imul i can be produced, the functional model o f the circuit executed, and the resulting out­ put signals observed. The input s t imul i is a set o f combinations o f signals cho­ sen by the designer to verify the functionali ty o f the circuit . The s t imul i can be generated w i t h i n the test bed as a part o f the model or changed interactively by the designer The designer can decide about proper operat ion o f the circuit by comparing the t iming waveforms o f the circuit outputs to the expected val­ ues. The t im ing waveforms o f the inputs and outputs are included i n the simu­ lation report . The comparison o f the expected and simulated values can be bu i l t i n the simulation process and the designer informed only i n case o f dis­ parity. This is the preferred method i n simulation o f larger designs.