The execution o f the simulator starts w i t h the elaboration and in i t ia l iza t ion

phase when all the signals are assigned the values and al l the processes are r u n

for the first t ime. This is simulation t ime 0. F r o m now the simulation proceeds

w i t h execution o f all the processes that were scheduled for execution at that

t ime and/or whose input signals have changed. Execut ion o f the processes

results i n new signal values produced. These values are to be available to other

processes only after some delays as prescribed i n the processes that generated

them. Execut ion o f a process can also result i n hal t ing i t u n t i l the prescribed

t ime when i t should be again revoked. Af t e r al l the processes are executed, the

simulator advances the simulation t ime to the earliest po in t when any o f the

signals is to be asserted, or when the process execution was scheduled. A l l the

signals are updated at this point o f t ime and the cycle repeats.