R l : IF Xj = small A N D x2 = medium T H E N y = high

Figure 26 shows the results o f fuzzy inference for the two crisp val-

ues, X i ' = 2 and x 2 ' = 600.

We actually want to find the output for the two given input val-

ues, or y(xj' = 2, x2' = 600) =?. A t this point we are not sufficiently

equipped to say anything about the crisp value o f y . A part o f the tool

called defuzzification method, is missing at the moment. (It w i l l be in-

troduced later.) But, we can find the consequent o f the rule First

note that the antecedents 1 and 2 {small and medium) are connected

wi th an A N D operator, meaning that the fulfillment degree o f the rule

Ri w i l l be calculated by using a M I N operator, H = WHN(ju¿(2),

jU/JfiOO)) = 0.5. Thus, the resulting consequent is a not-normal fuzzy

set juH< as shown in Figure 26.