Egypt Radical Concrete Technology. Edited by R K Dhir and P C Hewlett. Published in 1996 by E & FN Spon, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK. ISBN 0 419 21480 1. ABSTRACT. The widespread production and use of high strength concrete (HSC) with its superior properties is in fact a revolutionary stage of the concrete technology. Furthermore, when steel fibres are incorporated in HSC, much more improvements and numerous benefits can be achieved. To-date, the exploitation of these benefits has been somewhat restricted in some areas of applications in which concrete is subjected to tension, shear, or flexure. This paper presents the results of 28 mixtures prepared with HSC with and without steel fibres [fc=82-117 MPa]. The attention is paid to the significant effect of steel fibres in increasing the splitting tensile strength of HSC. The gain of splitting strength due to the incorporation of steel fibres has been investigated. The validity of the existing relations for measuring the splitting strength of steel fibre high strength concrete is checked. In addition, an empirical expression has been proposed to predict the splitting strength of high strength concrete containing steel fibres. The predicted splitting strength values using the proposed equation show a close agreement with both the own test data as well as the data compiled from literature. Keywords: High Strength Concrete, Steel Fibres, Splitting Strength, Tensile Strength, Composites. Dr Mahmoud Imam is an assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering Department, Mansoura University, Egypt. In 1995, he got his Ph.D. from the Civil Engineering Department, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. His main research interests include high strength concrete, steel fibres, shear and diagonal tension in reinforced concrete structures.