Radical Concrete Technology, Edited by R K Dhir and P C Hewlett. Published in 1996 by E & FN Spon, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK. ISBN 0 419 21480 1. ABSTRACT. The need to quantify the time taken by the chlorides to depassivate the steel reinforcement is recognized of interest as part of refined methods for service life prediction. This need is reflected in the increasing number of papers applying the solution of Fick’s second law to chloride profiles obtained in cores taken from old structures, or in specimens submitted to laboratory short term experiments. In addition to define a chloride penetration model it is always necessary to fix the threshold value to depassivation. In present paper the mechanism of chloride penetration in marine atmospheres is analysed as a non-fickian process composed by several sideprocesses occurring simultaneous and consecutively. Concerning the chloride threshold, it is emphasized the need to dealt with it from a statistical point of view, as Haussman did in his original work. Keywords: Chlorides, cover, modelling, corrosion, threshold, diffusion. Professor Carmen Andrade is Director of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Science, CSIC, Madrid. She specialises in reinforced corrosion, and protection, concrete microstructure and durability. She has published more than 150 paper. She is involved in Technical Committees (CEN, RILEM, AENOR, etc). Mr J M Diez is Mine Engineer actually a post-Doc student at the Eduardo Torroja Institute. Dr Cruz Alonso is a Researcher of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Science, CSIC, Madrid. She is specialises in reinforced corrosion and protection. She has published more than 70 paper on the subject. Dr J L Sagrera is a Researcher at the Eduardo Torroja Institute specialized on concrete durability. He has published many paper on the subject.