Ramoplanin (A 16686, A 16686A, MDL 62198, NTI-851) is a novel oral nonabsorbable 17-amino-acid cyclic lipoglycodepsipeptide antibiotic from Biosearch Italia. Cyclic lipodepsipeptides (see Chapter 45, Daptomycin) contain one or more ester bonds along with the amide bonds and have emerged as promising candidates for the development of new antibiotics. Ramoplanin is an antibiotic complex first identified in 1984 that was isolated from the fermentation broth of Actinoplanes spp. ATCC 33076. It is a mixture of three closely related compounds, ramoplanin A1–A3, which differ only in the acyl group attached to the Asn-1 N-terminus; ramoplanin A2 is the most abundant (Shin et al., 2004). The empirical formula is C106H170ClN21O30, and the molecular weight is 2254. The chemical structure of ramoplanin is shown in Figure 49.1. Chemical structure of ramoplanin. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315152110/08d8042d-9481-4a8d-8c27-9bd589f6de6b/content/fig49_1.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>