Computational geometry, since its inception [66] in 1975,has received a great deal of attention from researchers in the area of design and analysis of algorithms. It has evolved into a discipline of its own. It is concerned with the computational complexity of geometric problems that arise in various disciplines such as pattern recognition, computer graphics, geographical information system, computer vision, CAD/CAM, robotics, VLSI layout, operations research, and statistics. In contrast with the classical approach to proving mathematical theorems about geometry-related problems, this discipline emphasizes the computational aspect of these problems and attempts to exploit the underlying geometric properties possible, e.g., the metric space, to derive efficient algorithmic solutions. An objective of this discipline in the theoretical context is to study the computational complex-

ity (giving lower bounds) of geometric problems, and to devise efficient algorithms (giving upper bounds) whose complexity preferably matches the lower bounds. That is, not only are we interested in the intrinsic difficulty of geometric computational problems under a certain computation model, but we are also concerned with the algorithmic solutions that are efficient or provably optimal in the worst or average case. In this regard, the asymptotic time (or space) complexity of an algorithm, i.e., the behavior of an algorithm, as the input size approaches infinity, is of interest. Due to its applications to various science and engineering related disciplines, researchers in this field have begun to address the efficacy of the algorithms, the issues concerning robustness and numerical stability [33,82], and the actual running times of their implementations. In order to value and get better understanding of the geometric algorithms in action, a computational problem solving environment

has been developed at the Institute of Information Science and the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Actual implementations of several geometric algorithms have been incorporated into a Java-based algorithm visualization and debugging software system, dubbed GeoBuilder (https://webcollab.iis.sinica.edu.tw/Components/GeoBuilder/), which supports remote compilation, visualization of intermediate execution results, and other runtime features, e.g., visual debugging, etc. This system facilitates geometric algorithmic researchers in testing their ideas and demonstrating their findings in computational geometry. GeoBuilder system is embedded into a knowledge portal [51], called OpenCPS (Open Computational Problem Solving), (https://www.opencps.org/) and possesses three important features. First, it is a platformindependent software system based on Java’s promise of portability, and can be invoked by Sun’s Java Web Start technology in any browser-enabled environment. Second, it has the collaboration capability for multiple users to concurrently develop programs, manipulate geometric objects, and control the camera. Finally, its three-dimensional (3D) geometric drawing bean provides an optional function that can automatically position the camera to track 3D objects during algorithm visualization [79]. GeoBuilder develops its rich client platform based on Eclipse RCP and has already built in certain functionalities such as remote addition, deletion, and saving of files as well as remote compiling, and execution of LEDA C/C++ programs, etc., based on a multipage editor. Other notable geometric software projects include, among others, CGAL (https://www.cgal. org/) [32] and LEDA (https://www.algorithmic-solutions.com/leda/about/index.htm.) [60]. In this and the followingchapter (Chapter 2)weconcentratemostlyon the theoretical development

of this field in the context of sequential computation, and discuss a number of typical topics and the algorithmic approaches.Wewill adopt the realRAM(randomaccessmachine)modelof computation in which all arithmetic operations, comparisons, kth root, exponential, or logarithmic functions take unit time.