An algorithm is a finite set of instructions for a treatment of data tomeet some desired objectives. The most obvious reason for analyzing algorithmsanddata structures is todiscover their characteristics in order to evaluate their suitability for various applications, or to compare themwith other algorithms for the same application. Needless to say, we are interested in efficient algorithms in order to use efficiently such scarce resources as computer space and time. Most often algorithm designs aim to optimize the asymptotic worst-case performance, as popu-

larized by Aho et al. [2]. Insightful, elegant, and generally useful constructions have been set up in this endeavor. Along these lines, however, the design of an algorithm is usually targeted at coping efficiently sometimes with unrealistic, even pathological inputs and the possibility is neglected that a



simpler algorithm that works fast “on average” might perform just as well, or even better in practice. This alternative solution, called also a probabilistic approach, became an important issue twodecades ago when it became clear that the prospects for showing the existence of polynomial time algorithms for NP-hard problems, were very dim. This fact, and the apparently high success rate of heuristic approaches to solving certain difficult problems, led Richard Karp [34] to undertake a more serious investigation of probabilistic analysis of algorithms. (But, one must realize that there are problems which are also hard “on average” as shown by Levin [42].) In the last decade we have witnessed an increasing interest in the probabilistic (also called average case) analysis of algorithms, possibly due to the high success rate of randomized algorithms for computational geometry, scientific visualization, molecular biology, etc. (e.g., see [46,60]). Finally, we should point out that probabilistic analysis often depends on the input distribution which is usually unknown up front, and this might lead to unrealistic assumptions. The average case analysis of algorithms can be roughly divided into two categories, namely:

analytic in which complex analysis plays a pivotal role, and probabilistic in which probabilistic and combinatorial techniques dominate. The former was popularized by Knuth’s monumental three volumes The Art of Computer Programming [39-41], whose prime goal was to accurately predict the performance characteristics of an algorithm. Such an analysis often sheds light on properties of computer programs and provides useful insights of combinatorial behaviors of such programs. Probabilistic methods were introduced by Erdös and Rényi and popularized by Alon and Spencer in their book [3]. In general, nicely structured problems are amiable to an analytic approach that usually givesmuchmore precise information about the algorithm under consideration. On the other hand, structurally complex problems are more likely to be first solved by a probabilistic tool that later could be further enhanced by a more precise analytical approach. The average case analysis of algorithms, as a discipline, uses a number of branches of mathematics: combinatorics, probability theory, graph theory, real and complex analysis, and occasionally algebra, geometry, number theory, operations research, and so forth. In this chapter, we choose one facet of the theory of algorithms, namely that of algorithms and

data structures on words (strings) and present a brief exposition on certain analytic and probabilistic methods that have become popular. Our choice of the area stems from the fact that there has been a resurgence of interest in string algorithms due to several novel applications, most notably in computational molecular biology and data compression. Our choice of methods covered here is aimed at closing a gap between analytic and probabilistic methods. There are excellent books on analytic methods (cf. Knuth’s three volumes [39-41], Sedgewick and Flajolet [49]) and probabilistic methods (cf. Alon and Spencer [3], Coffman and Lueker [10], and Motwani and Raghavan [46]), however, remarkably very few books have been dedicated to both analytic and probabilistic analysis of algorithms (with possible exceptions of Hofri [28] andMahmoud [44]). Finally, before we launch our journey through probabilistic and analytic methods, we should add that in recent years several useful surveys on analysis of algorithms have been published. We mentioned here: Frieze and McDiarmid [22], Karp [35], Vitter and Flajolet [59], and Flajolet [16]. This chapter is organized as follows: In the next section we describe some algorithms and data

structures on words (e.g., digital trees, suffix trees, edit distance, Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm, etc.) that we use throughout to illustrate our ideas and methods of analysis. Then, we present probabilisticmodels for algorithms anddata structures onwords togetherwith a short review fromprobability and complex analysis. Section 11.4 is devoted to probabilisticmethods anddiscusses the sieve method, first and second moment methods, subadditive ergodic theorem, techniques of information theory (e.g., entropy and its applications), and large deviations (i.e., Chernoff’s bound) and Azuma’s type inequality. Finally, in the last section we concentrate on analytic techniques in which complex analysis plays a pivotal role.We shall discuss analytic techniques for recurrences and asymptotics (i.e., Rice’s formula, singularity analysis, etc.), Mellin transform and its applications, and poissonization and depoissonization. In the future we plan to expand this chapter to a book.