ECZEMA/DERMATITIS Infl ammatory disorder of skin aff ecting the epidermis. ➤ Sub-acute eczema presents as an ill-defi ned itchy rash with erythematous, scaly ➤ patches, oedema and crusting. In acute eczema vesicles and bullae may be present. Scratching may cause excoriations. Chronic eczema is less exudative, scaly and lichenifi ed. ➤ Atopic eczema has a strong genetic component and is associated with a history of ➤ asthma or hay fever. Commonly aff ects the fl exure surfaces. In pigmented skin a reverse pattern of ➤ extensor involvement may be present. May be complicated by bacterial infection ( ➤ Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes) and most seriously herpes simplex (eczema herpeticum).