Most of the future increase in world population will occur in developing and disadvantaged (DAD) countries, where natural resources, especially soil and water, are already under great stress. Any child born in developed countries will consume 10 to 50 times more resources during his/her lifetime compared to his/her counterpart in DAD countries. According to the Global Assessment of Soil Degradation, about 1965 Mha of soil have been degraded to some degree. H. Eswaran et al. estimated desertification tension zones based on land quality class and the population that it supports, and soil-related constraints and vulnerability to desertification. The objective is to enhance soil resilience and its capacity to recover and restore essential processes that moderate ecosystems services and functions by eliminating extractive farming and soil mining. Soil scientists must make their voice heard by stating loudly and clearly that "there is no such thing as free biofuels from using crop residues."