Rock crushing equipment is used in a very demanding environment. Thereby preventive and correctivc maintenance work is needed. In practice all maintcnancc tasks are perfonned manually by opcrators. Due to heavy competition within crushing equipment industry the manufacturing strategy is getting extremely important for the companies. The real challenge is the combination: How to design products so that they can be manufactured in multiple factories, that they are suitable for mass-customization and are easy to assemble and maintain manually? Design for assembly and design for maintenance requirements conflict easily. Ergonomics of manual manufacture and maintenance should be optimized, because ergonomic and safe work is normally more productive as well. Product lifecyc1e management (PLM) , augmented and virtual reality are potcntial solutions for combining conflicting requirements and optimizing the wholeness. This paper introduces preliminary results of industrial research case pre-study where goal is to investigate technology maturity and benefits of AR and VR for industrial use, and to develop PLM methods and processes in order to utilize this novel technology in collaboration betwccn design and production and supporting for manual work.