Both economic and political stnvmgs of sOCIetles (countries) with different aspirations can not guarantee the procedure to preserve the environment. The only possible solution is a joint action under the aegis of the economically dominant societies (countries) in order to protect the environment. All of transnational organizations are involved and the problem is becoming a huge economic imparities. Uneven economic development is the most important obstacle to the preservation of the environment. Military actions in the different places on Earth, blasting (in a decisive majority) in poor and underdeveloped countries, exclude environmentally friendly perceptions of the environment. These countries are unable to make their own efforts to improve the environment. What is more frequent disasters occurring in their areas aggravate unfavorable macroergonomic conditions. At the same time they generally do not employ: monitoring, forecasting, prevention and safety evaluations of the situation in advance. The absence of work,

standard of health protection, access to sanitations and instability has a negative impact on social behavior. Pro-ecological policy under guidance of richer countries, going by concern for the environment and not only politico-economic influences, may create a lot of jobs, can lead to awareness through education on enviromnental protection, reduce the gap separating developing countries from the rest of the world and to stabilize conflict situations. Strict compliance with the principle that it is easier to prevent environmental degradation than to repair damage caused by careless actions should be the primary goal of all the inhabitants of Earth.