Today the ergonomic assessment of objects and products is often treated with separation of the different components of the interaction: physical, sensory, subjective. This research aims to develop an integrated method and a protocol for the qualitative and quantitative study of motor functions for ergonomics. that is addressed to evaluation of strategies and efforts carried out by users in relation with products. In our case study these products are the home appliances and in particular the dishwater. Basic methodological approaches refer to biomechanics and product usability assessment techniques. The first one is based on the at measurement of angular excursions of the joints associated with the implementation of the human motion detectable in dedicated laboratory; the second methods rely on experiments with users and direct observations and questionnaires / interviews to quantify ease of use and user satisfaction by means of special scales of assessments carried out in usability laboratories. The integration of methods for a global and more comprehensive ergonomical assessment is the rationale of the research, that can then be used in proactive way in the early stages of development.