Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................761 Ray Arrona: My Daughter’s Story .............................................................................................762 Mamie Walters: My Journey with Anita ...................................................................................767 Editor’s Note ........................................................................................................................... 770

Introduction Th is chapter is a brief telling of Anita Arrona’s story. On September 7, 1987, Anita was returning home from visiting her boyfriend when a drunk driver hit her. Her injuries were profound and included open brain trauma, severe brain contusion of the left and right frontal lobes, supraorbital fractures of her left and right eyes, multiple blunt trauma to the chest, hydrocephalus, pleural eff usion of the left lung, fractured right clavicle, and severe spasticity with minimal control of bodily functions. By October 5, 1987, infected frontal lobe brain tissue was removed and a shunt was inserted to drain off excess fl uid. Her left eye was unsalvageable. After 3 months and multiple surgeries, it became evident that Anita would never achieve independence, and the family’s attorney retained the services of a life care planner to develop an outline of future expected care. Over the years, although severely brain injured, hemiparetic, and blind in the left eye, her medical situation has stabilized and she has learned to speak a few words. She resides in a wheelchair, which requires an attendant’s service to move her. She is totally dependent on others for her well-being.