Since the early days of quantum mechanics, tunneling has been recognized as one of the hallmarks of the wave character of microscopic physics. The possibility of a quantum particle to penetrate an

energetic barrier represents certainly one of the most spectacular implications of quantum theory and has led to various applications in nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics as well as in mesoscopic science. Typical scenarios in which tunneling manifests are the escape route of a quantum particle from a quasibounded region, the transition between two or more symmetry-related, but classically disconnected wells (which we shall focus on in the following), as well as scattering or transport through potential barriers. The spectrum of scenarios becomes even richer when the concept of tunneling is generalized to any kind of classically forbidden transitions in phase space, that is, to transitions that are not necessarily inhibited by static potential barriers but by some other constraints of the underlying classical dynamics (such as integrals of motion). Such “dynamical tunneling” processes arise frequently in molecular systems [1] and were realized with cold atoms propagating in periodically modulated optical lattices [2-4]. Moreover, the electromagnetic analog of dynamical tunneling was also obtained with microwaves in billiards [5].