ABSTRACT: Efficient city management is aimed at providing the Inhabitants with all conveniences necessary for comfortable life. Efficient functioning of a city is possible only thanks to an efficient urban tissue, which manifests itself in efficient transport, water supply, sewage collection and treatment as well as gas and energy supply. Ensuring efficient waste management and activities for the development of new technologies is crucial for good functioning of the City. It is essential to coordinate urban technical infrastructure development plans with the city’s development. Therefore, participation of the City in determining the directions of development and expansion of infrastructure, organising the underground space by constructing technological channels and zoning underground technical infrastructure is of the utmost importance. Municipal authorities must not forget about coordination of urban systems and cooperation with owners and administrators of networks in their activities. An efficiently functioning city must be ready for operational response to emergency situations and random incidents, and, at the same time, it also must not omit such an important variable as the aesthetic qualities of the City.