The chromosome 5 is total of 476423 base pairs. The highest percentage value is Adenine residue (28.61%). The lowest percentage value is Guanine residue (21.36%). The Thymine and Cytosine residues are 28.47% and 21.55%. The highest combination of nucleotide residues of T+C percentage is 50.02%. The ratio of A+G & T+C content is 1.0. The triplet codon of chromosome 5, the highest triplets is AAA and TTT (0.354%). The lowest triplet codon is AGC (0.143%). The matrix frequency of chromosome 5, the frequency of trinucleotide sequence has been represented in AA-C,G; CA-A,C; GA-A,C(same ratio); TAC & TTC are the same ratio. CTT, GTT, TT-A; AAA and TTT are the same ratio of nucleotides (above 0.300%). Tri-nucleotide sequence of 0.250% to 0.299% has been represented in AAT, CAG; GAG; TA-A,G; CC-G,T, GCG=TCC; CGG, GG-A,T; AT-A,C,T; CT-A,C; GTA,C; TTG. Tri-nucleotide sequence of 0.200% to 0.249% has been represented in CAT, GAT, TAT, AC-C,G,T; CCC, GC-C,T, TC-G,T; AG-A,G,T; CG-A,T; GGG, TG-G,T; ATG, CTG and GTG. Tri-nucleotide sequence of 0.150% to 0.199% has been representing in ACA, CCA, GCA, TCA, AGC, CGC, GGC and TGC.