Recently, conventional techniques for the analysis of heavy metals

have undergone rapid development and have been applied to the

risk management of foods and the environment, as they have

for other environmental pollutants. For example, graphite furnace

atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), inductively coupled

plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma

atomic emission spectrometry, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

are extremely precise analytical techniques and enable the detection

of heavy metals with high sensitivity and selectivity.2,3 However,

these methods require expensive instruments with high running

costs, time-consuming processes, and expert techniques. Therefore,

they are disadvantageous for primary comprehensive monitoring

and the on-site analysis of heavy metals in various food and

environmental samples. On the other hand, biosensors are ideal

tools to fulfill these requirements, because they have the advantages

of portability, low cost, ease of use, and rapid responses in real time,

even if their sensitivity and selectivity are lower than those of the

above-mentioned conventional methods.4,5

As is well known, biosensors are analytical devices consist-

ing of biological materials in conjunction with a compatible

transducer. Biomaterials are quantitatively responsible for the

specific recognition of target analytes. Because living organisms

have adapted to heavy metal poisoning during phylogenic evolution,

they respond to heavy metals through various biochemical and

physiological processes, thereby acquiring tolerance against them.

These systems are strictly regulated at the transcriptional, trans-

lational, and post-translational levels. Therefore, the mechanisms

underlying the response and adaptation to heavymetals enable us to

develop useful biosensors. The transducers convert signals obtained

by the interaction of the biomaterials with the analytes to various

outputs, which include amplified physicochemical signals such as

amperometric, potentiometric, optical, and thermal signals.