Abstract is chapter focuses on the lessons learned from two statewide pandemic inuenza exercises conducted for the State of Indiana in 2008 and 2009 by the Purdue Homeland Security Institute. It discusses those lessons learned under the framework of the importance of local leadership in emergency response during pandemic inuenza. e exercises tested various organizations and their levels of preparedness and response, while leaders from local law enforcement, emergency management, public health, and hospital administration gathered to exercise their existing emergency plans. In 2008, the scope of the test included all county and local response

Contents Abstract ...............................................................................................................55 Introduction ........................................................................................................56 Pandemic Inuenza Exercises ..............................................................................58 PHSI 2009 Tabletop Exercise ..............................................................................59 PHSI 2008 Tabletop Exercise ..............................................................................61 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................62 References ...........................................................................................................63

teams statewide. e most important lesson learned pertained to the organizational structure of leadership and the design and sta‚ng of a county’s incident command inuenced the level of eˆectiveness during the exercise activities. In 2009, hospitals and healthcare facilities participated in tabletop exercises focused on a response to high levels of at-need patients and the ability to implement altered standards of care. Aspects important to success were staˆ education, problem solving, and for all leaders to be present during the planning stages to prepare for the actual response. An important ‘nding in both exercises was that local leaders do need to be involved in the planning and preparedness part of emergency response, which is contrary to the premise that local emergency management is the most crucial aspect to emergency response. Local leadership continues to be a key aspect of response eˆectiveness.