Victoria Police (VICPOL) acts within a number of legislative and policy provisions that impact upon the conduct of members, including the State of Victoria Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act, 2006. e Victoria Police Manual, available on the police intranet, contains a section on Professional Standards and Conduct that includes all policies and information in relation to this area (rather than Œnding policies and codes in separate places). VICPOL has both a Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. e code of ethics is a simple statement: “I uphold the right in my role within the Victoria Police Force by acting impartially, with integrity and by providing service excellence to everyone.” e code of conduct is the SELF Test that asks whether the decision would stand up to scrutiny and is ethical, lawful, and fair. VICPOL also has a set of organisational values that underpin its activity in all areas and they relate to integrity, leadership, ¢exibility, respect, support, and professionalism. Responsibilities of managers and supervisors are outlined in the Professional Standards and Conduct section of the Victoria Police Manual, and include demonstrating and reinforcing ethical and professional behaviour, including rewarding good performance, taking action when employees are not upholding the standards, and providing supervision.