This chapter examines in particular, for the subsection on one stage of the development process: requirements analysis. Design guidelines must be tailored for and validated against unique requirements, and this is what the structured methods accomplish. The overall lifecycle is cast in three phases: Requirements Analysis, Design/Testing/Development, and Installation. Specific tasks within each phase are presented in boxes, and arrows show the basic order in which the tasks should be carried out. A study of users’ current tasks, workflow patterns, and conceptual frameworks is made, resulting in a description of current tasks and workflow, and an understanding and a specification of underlying user goals. Paper-and-pencil or prototype mockups of high-level design ideas generated in the previous task are prepared, representing ideas about high-level functional organization and conceptual model design. The Usability Engineering Lifecycle documented a structured and a systematic approach to address one aspect of user experience design—usability—within the application or web development process.